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How to ship a package from Canada to China?

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If you are looking for the best way or cheapest rate of shipping document or small parcel from Canada to China, here are the steps of how to ship courier service such as DHL, UPS, etc on

1. Click “Ship” on the top menu and click the tap of either “Parcel” or “Document”.

2. Enter the shipping from address. In the box of Address search, you may enter the keyword of shipping from address, such as postal/Zip code, the address autocomplete feature will activate and help you find the proper address, such as city, province/state, country, postal code, etc, choose the address you want in the list. If the address is a residential address, please check the box of “Is residential”.

3. Enter the shipping to address. Once again, you may use the address autocomplete feature to help you find the proper shipping to address by entering postal/Zip code in the box of Address search.

Country: Please select “China” in the drop down list (the third country in the list)
Province: Please select proper province from the drop down list
Postal code: for China, this is required. And it should be a 6 digits of numbers

4. Choose unit: Imperial (Pounds/Inches) or Metric (Kilograms/Centimeters)

5. Enter Length, width, height, weight, quantity, Insurance amount, and commodity

7. If you have more than 1 package in different dimensions and weights, please insert one line by click the button of “Add new package”.

8. Please double check the total package, total insured value,and total weight.

9. If you need signature for delivery, please check the box of “Signature required” at “Additional services”.

10. Click the button of “Get rates”. The rates will be shown on the next page.

11. The first rate shown on top will be the cheapest shipping rate from Canada to China.

12. You may choose the cheapest shipping rate on the list or whatever service you prefer.

13. Please choose either ” Create customs form online (you need to print, sign and attach form to your packages) ” or ” Use my own commercial invoice (you need to attach three copies to the packages) “

14. Fill out the customs form/commercial invoice online if applicable. For shipping document, no need to attach the commercial invoice to the package.

15. Pay for the shipping charge

16. Print out the shipping label(s) and commercial invoice if applicable.

17. Schedule a pickup or drop off the package at carrier service center

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